The standard bit-mapped graphics format used in the Windows environment. By convention, graphics files in the BMP format end with a.BMP extension.
.topic 15
Applies lossy JPEG DCT compression to the image data. This compression scheme gives the smallest image size, but is not supported by many TIFF readers.
.topic 3
Specifies the JPEG quality/compression level.Lower value More compression, lower qualityHigher value Less compression, higher qualityThe default value is 65.
.topic 213
Pronounced jiff or giff (hard g) stands for graphics interchange format, a bit-mapped graphics file format used by the World Wide Web, CompuServe and many BBSs. GIF supports color and various resolutions. It also includes data compression, making it especially effective for scanned photos.
.topic 10
Do not compress the image data.
.topic 220
Short for Windows Metafile Format, graphics file format used to exchange graphics information between Microsoft Windows applications. WMF files can hold both vector and bit-mapped images.
.topic 19
Writes the rows of the image from bottom to top, rather than top to bottom.
.topic 5
Optimizes the Huffman code tables in order to increase compression. Although this option will not affect the image quality, compression will take slightly longer and the file might not be readable by some older software.
.topic 20
When checked the color channels are subsampled by a factor of 2:1 in the horizontal axis. A smaller image size will be generated at the expense of color accuracy.
.topic 212
Short for Enhanced Metafile Format. Win32 enhanced placeable metafiles.
.topic 11
Create a CCITT3 compressed black & white image.
.topic 8
Turns on Run-Length Encoding image compression. This option will reduce the size of the file, but may take longer to encode and decode.
.topic 14
Applies lossless Deflate (ZIP) compression to the image data. This compression scheme gives superior compression to that of LZW, but is not supported by many TIFF readers.
.topic 12
Create a CCITT4 compressed black & white image. CCITT4 gives better compression than CCITT3.
.topic 217
Short for Portable Network Graphics, and pronounced ping, a new bit-mapped graphics format similar to GIF. In fact, PNG was approved as a standard by the World Wide Web consortium to replace GIF because GIF uses a patented data compression algorithm called LZW. In contrast, PNG is completely patent- and license-free. The most recent versions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer now support PNG.
.topic 21
When checked the color channels are subsampled by a factor of 2:1 in the vertical axis. A smaller image size will be generated at the expense of color accuracy.
.topic 1
Saves the current settings as the defaults from now on. If cleared the settings are applied to the current operation only.
.topic 17
Specifies a value for the vertical resolution of the image, in dots per inch. Some TIFF readers use this value to scale the image when viewing or printing.
.topic 215
Originally developed by ZSOFT for its PC Paintbrush program, PCX is a graphics file format for graphics programs running on PCs. It is supported by most optical scanners, fax programs, and desktop publishing systems. Files in the PCX format end with a ".pcx" ( pronounced dot -p-c-x) extension. Two other common bit map formats are BMP and TIFF.
.topic 16
Specifies a value for the horizontal resolution of the image, in dots per inch. Some TIFF readers use this value to scale the image when viewing or printing.
.topic 218
Short for Targa TGA
.topic 219
Acronym for tagged image file format, one of the most widely supported file formats for storing bit-mapped images on personal computers (both PCs and Macintosh computers). Other popular formats are BMP and PCX. TIFF graphics can be any resolution, and they can be black and white, gray-scaled, or color. Files in TIFF format often end with a .tif extension.
.topic 216
Short for Lotus Picture File, the graphics file format used to represent graphics generated by Lotus 1-2-3.
.topic 9
Writes the rows of the image from top to bottom, rather than bottom to top.This is the help file for the IDE_ACDStd.apl plug-in.
.topic 13
Apply lossless Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression to the image data.
.topic 22
Enabling this option stores a thumbnail in the image. This increases the file size, but may make thumbnail generation faster for those applications that are able to access it.
.topic 214
Short for Joint Photographic Experts Group, and pronounced jay-peg. JPEG is a lossy compression technique for color images. Although it can reduce files sizes to about 5% of their normal size, some detail is lost in the compression.
.topic 2
Reset all options to the ôfactoryö settings.
.topic 18
Creates an interlaced image.
.topic 4
Select this checkbox to enable progressive encoding. Progressive encoding allows images to appear more quickly when transmitted over a low-bandwidth connection, but can slow down decoding when being accessed locally. Progressive encoding also improves compression levels without any loss in image quality. Some older software cannot read progressive mode JPEG images.